2 Workouts, 1 Day

I am back at it in and in full force! Today I was able to get in two workouts. It’s amazing what you can do when you’re not working.

After a greek yogurt with blackberries and granola I was off to my 10am appointment.

My first workout consisted of a complimentary training session at a fitness studio nearby. They evaluated my weaknesses which, not surprisingly, did not include my giant quads. It did however consist of the muscles surrounding my outer quads (also known as my vastus lateralis).

Next was body composition. 16% body fat. Go me! That’s without any cardio…and did I mention also without a kitchen. I think I may have. Several times.

Finally it was time to start the workout. Lots of total body movements with a focus on my “weak” areas – TRX bands, bear walks, plyometrics, boxing, kicking. I was all over the place. According to them, it’s all about explosive movements for my body type. Since I already have the muscle mass the goal is to use explosive movements to lean those muscles out.

I needed to refuel after such an intense workout and I knew just the place. We spotted a cute little Mediterranean place last week that I was dying to try. It was a good choice. An even better choice was the chicken salad I selected. Delicious!

It was light, tangy, and refreshing. A romaine lettuce salad topped with grape tomatoes, red peppers, cucumbers, chicken kabob, and a lemon dressing.

I am determined to replicate this dressing when my kitchen is back up and running. I could put this dressing on everything.

I’ll keep you updated on how my little science experiment goes.

Errands, errands, errands….

followed by a 40min HIIT cardio session. I started with a 5min warmup on the stairmill then 2 sets of each of the following exercises (30sec – 1min for each with a rest to bring my HR down to 140).

  • box jumps
  • side to side high jumps from bosu
  • quick feet on step
  • side to side plyo jumps
  • kettlebell swings
  • jumprope

3min cool down on treadmill.

Dinner was tuna lettuce wraps – romaine lettuce leaves with tuna salad.

The tuna salad from whole foods had fiji apples and cranberries. I love the sweetness it gives to the tuna salad.

Guess who else loved it? I let her lick the cover.

…and of course a side of cukes.

For veggies, I opted for a green juice. Look at that list of greens! With the lack of veggies in my current diet I figured it was best to start supplementing.

Now time to cuddle with this little cutie.

…but not on the bed. We have a strict rule – no pets on the bed. Instead I created a little bed for her on our trunk. Isn’t she the cutest?

Question of the day

Do you let your pets on the bed? 

Workin it in Paris

Pilot and I managed to get in a workout both this AM and yesterday…in Paris. Alarm set, up at 7am, and we were off to the hotel gym. If that’s not impressive I don’t know what is.

I kept it really simple both days. I was still feeling jet lagged and a little tired. Today was easier. Shoulders yesterday and arms today. I figured with all the walking there was no reason to overdo the legs.

Yesterday’s shoulders consisted of presses, shoulder raises, bent over raises. Kept it light with high reps. 15-20 reps per exercise. I tackled core during my “rest” for a grand total of 6 exercises!

For arms we did biceps and triceps – supersetted.

  • Hammer curls with overhead tricep press
  • Wide grip bicep curls with the bar & Tricep cable pushdown
  • Bicep cable curls & one set of tricep dips

I started feeling the tricep dips in my shoulder…so I stopped. I know it’s a novel idea for most but if it hurts don’t keep doing it. 😉

Yesterday I was off on my own to explore the neighborhood….and by neighborhood I mean the Eiffel tower. Met up with one of the other wives to see the Louvre and Notre Dame. Thought those were a safe bet for my first time out in Paris. Especially without the guidance of pilot…who is unfortunately stuck in meetings all week.

There were some cafes sprinkled in there. My fave part of the trip!

At one of the cafes it was recommended that I try the apricot tart – “very French” she tells me. Thankfully she spoke English.

So amazing! The crust was light and flaky. The filling reminded me of a flan. And if you know me you know I have a slight obsession with flan. Yes, I’ve had to seek help in order to tackle my problem. The apricots that topped the tart were light and delicious. Overall this dessert was the best I’ve had so far. Highly recommend!

On the agenda for today is the Sacre Coeur and shopping!!! I’m hoping the rain holds off….but hey…a cloudy day in Paris is better than a sunny day at work. No complaints here.

Packing with a Side of Shoulders

So this is it! This is my last day in MA and at work. I’m very excited to start this new chapter of my life.

Spent most of the night cleaning and packing up. Somehow I managed to get in an HIIT/Shoulder combo workout…it helped that I skipped our company meeting scheduled from 5-7pm.

That reminds me of a hilarious quote from my friend Mr. Yeti. This is after I tell him I am bailing on the meeting in order to pack. He responds “Yea it’s always awesome to say quite loudly: ‘I have severe diarrhea and I can’t make the meeting that takes place during the brief time I have to myself when I’m not working.'” HAHAHAHA! He’s so crude…and I love it.

Back to the workout. It was fast paced and intense. This has been the trend lately given my even tighter than usual schedule. Here’s my 45min Shoulder/HIIT workout.

  • Javelin presses – 25lb dumbbell
  • Dumbbell snatches – same 25lb dumbbell – watch out for this. I managed to get my forearm pretty good…and I do mean slamming inadvertently slamming it with the dumbbell.
  • Clean & Press w/ barbell
  • Medicine ball twists on bench – for core
  • Kettlebell swings between legs and of course I dropped the kettlebell. Yes, everyone noticed. Oops. Luckily I’m not easily embarrassed. 🙂
  • Core move on the decline bench not sure what to call this. You hold a dumbbell on your stomach on the decline bench. Slowly let yourself down using your core than quickly bring yourself back up. Make sense? Hopefully.

4 sets for each exercise with 10-12 reps.

And here’s what I have to show for it.

What do you think? This is the one area I would love to improve on. I’d like to increase the mass and fullness of my arms and shoulders. It’s tough to do but I’m still working on it.

Dinner was salmon with green beans and spinach topped with udo’s oil. And of course a Hint water – blackberry. How do you like the Home Depot boxes as the backdrop?

I love salmon. This is the same precooked salmon I purchased from Whole Foods on Sunday.

I was able to get all of my meals and 3 dinners this week from the protein I purchased at the beginning of the week. Not bad for a $75 grocery bill.

Alright, just a few more hours of work before it’s time to start my going away festivities. We’ll call tonight a “cheat” night….er “reward”.

Have a great Friday Night!!!

Cleaning Out My Inbox

Today is jam packed with cleaning and organizing as my last day at work is approaching…tomorrow!

I’m kind of an email saver and came across some gems worth sharing.

I have a friend who we’ll refer to as Mr. Yeti. Mr. Yeti is into working out as much as I am. At one point he sent me a killer tabata workout.

For those of you unfamiliar with tabata it’s a fast paced interval workout. You can use any lift or number of lifts. The intervals are 20 seconds with 10 seconds of rest. You barely put the weight down before your next set starts. It’s brutal and amazing all at the same time…and it’s over in 4 minutes.

The one he sent over is focused on power moves and utilizes the barbell. He’s quite the large dude…hence his nickname…so instead of the barbell I would use a 35lb (or lighter) bar. Another option is using dumbbells…or NO weight.

If this is your first shot at a tabata complex I highly recommend going VERY light.

  • Front Squat
  • Push Press
  • Romanian Deadlifts (RDL’s)
  • Bent Over Rows

Go through the complex twice for a total of 4 minutes.

He followed this complex with a kettlebell tabata – goblet squats. Hold the kettlebell in front of you and squat. Squat for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 8x. Your legs will be screaming tomorrow!

Another goodie from Mr.Yeti is this salmon nicoise salad. I have yet to try it but I’m DYING to get my kitchen done because this is top of the list.

Here’s the link.

Alright, it’s a gorgeous day. Time to go out for my lunch time Starbucks run!

Contract Update

Thought I’d give you all an update on my mom’s contract. Our contract, starting April 1st, required my mother to workout 6 days/week. For every day she missed she would give me $20. Her idea. I swear.

It has been almost 3 weeks and she’s only missed one day. She’s been working out 6 days/week and is on her way to getting new weights for her weight training. Success!

And I got $20 out of the deal. Sweet!

Nice job mom! Keep up the good work.

As for me, I have tapered off on my working out due to all the house errands. My week consisted of picking out new paint, changing my address on EVERYTHING, and selecting overhead lights. Never thought I’d hear myself say that but that’s what I’m doing. I am picking out lights at Home Depot on a Friday night. HA!

Due to my lack of working out I’ve tried to keep my diet on par. I’d say I’ve been pretty successful too…all thanks to my Monday prep night. Finished up my last meal at lunch today. Salad with chicken and strawberries.

This weekend will consist of emptying out the Pod. YAY! I GET MY STUFF!!!! My things have been in storage for the last 2 months and it’s been tough. I am really excited to have access to all of it this weekend.

Then removing wallpaper glue from the walls…yup, that’s my life.

Can’t wait to show you all the new paint job! The wonderful pilot surprised me by having my office painted in addition to the master bedroom and one of the guest bedrooms. What a good man!

Any good plans this weekend? Bet they’re not better than mine. 😉

Dinner Greens & Shoulder Workouts

Leftovers for dinner included chicken saag paneer, asparagus, cukes. YUM! Just as delicious the second day…and well deserved after my shoulder workout. I know. The title was a little deceiving but I didn’t do multiple shoulder workouts. Just the one.

Too much green? Impossible!

This shoulder workout left me pretty shaky. Try it out and let me know how it goes. Go heavy with the push press, snatches, and plate shrugs. I used 50lbs for my push press, a 25lb dumbbell for snatches and 45lb plates for shrugs.

A little too tired from my late night to also do cardio. I’ll have to get my lazy bum out of bed early in the AM instead. Wish me luck.

But first I’m going to relax with a handful of pistachios (a great healthy fat) and my New Girl recording. Anyone else love that show? I apologize for the slightly red hand. Not sure what that’s about. 

Hope you all have a relaxing Tuesday night!

Gym Ridiculousness

If you go to the gym as often as I do you’re bound to find some gems.

Here’s the summary (just for this week):


I need to use the squat rack. 2 guys are on there. I ask how many sets they have left. They actually have the audacity to tell me that they have quite a few sets to do and it’ll be another “20 minutes”.

Really?!?!? Does that sound reasonable? I’ll be done with my workout in 20 minutes. What do you want me to do? Sit here and wait until you’re done?

THE LESSON: Show a little consideration for your fellow gym goers. Maybe you can don’t need to do all your exercises on one rack. Perhaps you can let someone use the area for their 3-4 sets. Or here’s a novel idea. Why don’t you offer to let me work in? 



On to the next one. 2 guys chatting…non-stop chatting. Today is one of those days where I have a hard time getting into my workout. Then my iPod dies. Ugh. So I finally find a spot away from these guys. Step-ups on one of the boxes (2nd to largest). What happens next? These 2 fools come over and start jumping on the box literally inches from my box where I’m doing step ups. 

So you couldn’t wait until I was done with my set to start jumping? 

Here’s the kicker. These 2 men were NOT graceful jumpers. It was worse than having elephants trying to jump on the boxes. They sounded like they were 300 pounds. And believe you me these two were far from heavy. They were just the opposite. You would never expect that much noise coming from 2 small men…but nay…BANG…BANG…BANG…. with each jump. 

Of course being in the snarky mood I was in I walk over and ask “um excuse me. Can I please jump?” 

To add fuel to the fire right before I do my first jump this guy has the audacity to say “it’s really hard”. Um thanks buddy. I’ve done this a few times. I love how some of these guys at the gym get “worried” about me and offer unsolicited advice. 

Before the last word is out of his mouth I am jumping my little heart out. Quick and light. You can’t even hear me land. Piece of cake. 

Silence. It’s about time. 

I think one of them got the hint because his last set was much lighter. I’d say I got my point across. Please don’t patronize me…and again show a little consideration for other people. If they had just asked if it was ok to jump right by my head I may have reacted differently. A little courtesy goes a long way. 

THE LESSON: Again, be considerate. Ask before you sit on top of someone already working out. Some people might not appreciate that much closeness. 




Let me start by saying that I’m at the gym to workout….NOT make friends. When I go to the gym I put my head down and headphones in. I’m all business. That’s not to say I’m not friendly to any regulars who may say “hi”. But this way I set the precedence. They know I’m there to workout and not socialize. When I’m done with my workout and ready to cool down I’ll be more than happy to “chat”. Until then, leave me be. 🙂

I guess this guy didn’t get the memo when he tried to engage me in conversation during squat day. “What’s that you have there?” He’s referring to my workout journal. “Is that your diary? Do you write everything in there?” 

I hope for his sake he’s joking. As if females don’t already have a hard enough time getting up the courage to go into the lifting area. We have fools like this who make it harder. This is exactly what’s wrong with some of our gyms. Luckily for me I can ignore it. And I can ignore it well. 

How do you handle this situation? Very simple. 

THE LESSON: IGNORE! This is where the headphones are crucial. You barely look at them. Act as if you didn’t hear them and get back to your set. It’ll work 99% of the time. For the other 1% you be very direct. If you need help let me know and I’ll come set them straight for you. 

That’s it for the week…well except for the guy that says “your hair looks good like that”. “Um thanks.” I tried not to be too rude but again this isn’t really the place for me to receive compliments…or for you to dole them out.

A rest between sets is NOT an invitation to speak to me. 

TIP OF THE WEEK: Focus on your workout and you’ll notice a lot more progress!

The Health Contract

Need help motivating? Maybe there’s something I can do for you. Let me know what you think of this idea. You make a contractual agreement with me to workout every day. However if you miss an exercise day you will be required to pay me $20. HA! I kid (sort of).

This suggestion was actually brought on by my mother.

Let me first give you an idea of her exercise habits…which are none…so this will be easy. There have been years where she’s gotten into exercise kicks. One year she would wake up every day at 5am and go for a walk/jog. She kept this up for 3 months, her longest streak! I was so impressed. Since then she’s done little things here and there but for the most part it’s few and far between. Sound familiar?

As for her diet, it generally follows the same trend as her exercising. It’s trendy and goes in streaks. She’s constantly looking for the “secret”.

For years I’ve been telling her there is no be all end all “secret”. It’s a lifestyle change. I don’t have any secrets to give and the only way you’ll actually make a change is if YOU want it.

This year she really wants it. For months she’s followed a diet plan I have given her. She lost 12 pounds cutting out processed carbs, eating 6 meals/day, including protein in each of these meals (something most people don’t do), and adding in Isagenix products (Isalean Shakes & Snacks). But she eventually hit a plateau.

She realized now that she’ll also need to start moving her body to see more change. That’s where the contract comes in.

I received an email earlier this week and proposed that she drafts a contract between me and her in order to start exercising. The contract would apply for the month of April. One month is all she needs to make it a habit. The idea is that after this month is up she will want to continue exercising on her own. She’ll no longer need the threat of penalty as an incentive to exercise. *fingers crossed*

Her email to me (out of the blue): “I will write a contract. For the month of April I have to exercise every day. For every day I don’t exercise I will give you $20. Since I’m cheap I will exercise.” HAHAHAHA! Totally worth sharing so you could see her logic. Whatever works.

I said “ok” (obviously).

First we needed to draft up the terms of the contract including a definition of an exercise day. Here’s the contract I came up with.

Don’t be concerned about those black boxes. I just needed to block out her last name.

My mother has a bad back and doesn’t currently do ANY exercise; I wanted to ensure she did some movement 6 days/week without any risk of injury. She has an elliptical at home and since it doesn’t cause her any back pain this will be her main form of exercise. Weight training is also a must. I’m hoping that after this first month we can increase from 1 day/week to 2. And of course she needs to ensure she keeps up her stretching.

So what do you think? Like the idea? Is it motivating enough to keep you exercising? We’ll see. I’ll be sure to keep you updated on her progress. At the end of this I will give a full report on weight loss including before and after pictures and any other benefits she experienced adding exercise in.

If she allows it I’ll try to post a “before” picture.

At the Gym to Workout

So let me first paint the picture for you. I’m standing on a box (because I’m short and need a little boost) ready to do my second set of pull-ups. It’s the end of my workout with only 30 seconds rest between each set. It’s the last move before I head downstairs for cardio. Both of my headphones are in and I’m focused. I am soaked.

Well at this point some fool decides to stroll on over and stand right next to me until I pay attention. Here’s how the convo went:

Me: Um, hi.

Guy: Hi. I just wanted to let you know that you have an amazing back.

Me: Thanks.

Guy: So are you planning on getting any bigger?

Me: Not until after October.

My thoughts: What’s it to you?

Guy: Oh well because you don’t want to get too big. You look great already. Do you want to look like a man? – he actually said this.

Me: That’s not going to happen.

My thoughts: WHAT?!?!?! Just b/c we’re working out at the same gym does not give you the right to critique your body. I’m not standing here waiting for your approval and praise.

Guy: Oh ok. So you’re training for something?

Me: Yes, figure show.

My thoughts: Seriously guy. Are my answers not short enough for you to sense that I want you to leave and I don’t care what you have to say?

Guy: Oh ok. Well you know what the key is?

Me: What?

Guy: Avoid the “3 whites”.

Me: What are the “3 whites”?

Guy: White sugar, white flour, and white salt.

Me: Oh ok. Thanks.

REALLY?!?!?!?! REALLY?!?!?! What is wrong with people? And what kind of advice is that? Why don’t you try taking your own advice and maybe…just maybe…if you’re lucky you’ll be able to see your feet in the next 2-3 months. And do you actually think I lift weights followed by 45 minutes of HIIT cardio to come home and eat a loaf of white bread?

Here is my summary on the situation (after the rant):

  1. Unwarranted Advice – I don’t think people should volunteer advice when not asked for. You certainly should not be giving advice when you have over 30 pounds to lose…and if you were more focused on yourself instead of others then maybe you could also make some progress.
  2. Focus – That brings me to my next point. I’M here to workout…NOT have every person come up to me and give me their opinion on my body. It’s nice to make friends at the gym and enjoy being there but when that workout starts the distractions and the talking shout stop. If you must socialize keep it at the beginning or the end of the workout then actually get to work. You’d be surprised how much time you can waste dilly dallying and just how distracting others can be during a lift. Time your rests accordingly – be it 2 minutes for heavy lifts or 30 seconds for a more cardio intensive list. Stay focused to make progress…and please keep your opinions to yourself. 
  3. Misconceptions about female lifting – My friend said it perfectly “I love how he warned you against being too manly. Nice of him to perpetuate an idiotic, cliché, sexist misconception. Meanwhile you still have terribly unhealthy, fat women trying to “tone” with pink dumbbells because of exactly these types of people.”  Please don’t listen to such ridiculousness. I only weigh 115 lbs and I lift heavier than most of the men at the gym. It is physically impossible for a female to get larger without testosterone. With that said I will be going into a “building” phase after my show in October so if that’s where you’re interest lies please stay tuned to see how it goes. It’s definitely going to be tough!
  4. Salt – Not sure if you caught this but ‘white salt’? For all of you out there who are using sea salt I would just like to let you know that sea salt is ‘white’ salt…which is fine because NaCl (salt) is a vital electrolyte and your body does actually need it. As with anything though moderation is key.

That 2 minute conversation covered tons of misconceptions so don’t let anyone get you off track by physically distracting or with bad advice.

So stay focused and STRONG!