Workin it in Paris

Pilot and I managed to get in a workout both this AM and yesterday…in Paris. Alarm set, up at 7am, and we were off to the hotel gym. If that’s not impressive I don’t know what is.

I kept it really simple both days. I was still feeling jet lagged and a little tired. Today was easier. Shoulders yesterday and arms today. I figured with all the walking there was no reason to overdo the legs.

Yesterday’s shoulders consisted of presses, shoulder raises, bent over raises. Kept it light with high reps. 15-20 reps per exercise. I tackled core during my “rest” for a grand total of 6 exercises!

For arms we did biceps and triceps – supersetted.

  • Hammer curls with overhead tricep press
  • Wide grip bicep curls with the bar & Tricep cable pushdown
  • Bicep cable curls & one set of tricep dips

I started feeling the tricep dips in my shoulder…so I stopped. I know it’s a novel idea for most but if it hurts don’t keep doing it. 😉

Yesterday I was off on my own to explore the neighborhood….and by neighborhood I mean the Eiffel tower. Met up with one of the other wives to see the Louvre and Notre Dame. Thought those were a safe bet for my first time out in Paris. Especially without the guidance of pilot…who is unfortunately stuck in meetings all week.

There were some cafes sprinkled in there. My fave part of the trip!

At one of the cafes it was recommended that I try the apricot tart – “very French” she tells me. Thankfully she spoke English.

So amazing! The crust was light and flaky. The filling reminded me of a flan. And if you know me you know I have a slight obsession with flan. Yes, I’ve had to seek help in order to tackle my problem. The apricots that topped the tart were light and delicious. Overall this dessert was the best I’ve had so far. Highly recommend!

On the agenda for today is the Sacre Coeur and shopping!!! I’m hoping the rain holds off….but hey…a cloudy day in Paris is better than a sunny day at work. No complaints here.

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